Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Folksy sellers: double check your bill!

Do you sell on Folky? Check your Folksy bill, you may have been overcharged...
I normally pay my Folksy bill without even checking it but this months I had a proper look at it and spotted some duplicated listing charges.
The item description, date, time and amount were exactly the same which didn't seem right. So I contacted Folksy who said they will remove the duplicated fees. They did that a couple of days later and sent me this explanation:

This is a bug which seems to occur when a seller increases the quantity of a listing while the item is in draft, or while listing-similar (we do not see this bug when ‘renewing’ a listing). Tech support are working to fix this. In the meantime, we apologise for the inconvenience but would advise that you complete the listing without altering quantities and then increase quantities afterwards.
So just double check your Folksy bill to make sure you not paying more than you are supposed to...

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